File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a protocol that serves for the exchange of files in a network that supports TCP / IP protocol. Two important things that exist in the FTP is an FTP server and FTP Client. FTP servers running the software used to exchange files, which are always ready to give FTP service when received requests from FTP clients. FTP client is a computer that is requesting a connection to the FTP server for the purpose of exchanging files (upload or download files). The purpose FTP server is as follows:
1. To download a data sharing.2. To provide indirect or implicit remote computer.3. Place To provide storage for the user.4. To provide reliable data transfer and efficient.
FTP is actually a way that is not safe to transfer files because the files are transferred without encryption first, but through clear text. Text mode is used for data transfer format is ASCII or Binary format. By default, ftp using ASCII mode for data transfer. Because of its delivery without encryption, then the username, password, data transferred, and the commands sent to the sniffing by using a protocol analyzer (sniffer). The solution used is to use SFTP (SSH FTP) FTP is based on using SSH or FTPS (FTP over SSL) so that the first data sent is encrypted (encoded).
FTP usually uses two ports are ports 20 and 21 and runs exclusively over TCP. Listen FTP server on port 21 for incoming connections from FTP clients. Typically port 21 for command port and port 20 to port data. On the FTP server, there are 2 modes of connection that is active mode and passive mode.
To using the ftp software you can download your own or just through comment. I usually use application to upload and download is WsFtp_LE, why do I use the application because the application was fairly simple and lightweight for use. so even though we have computers that minimum but we will be mild to run it.
How to use software that I think is quite simple wsftp you stay logged in and keep the premises continue to drag the files which you want to upload or download.
There we can use the default ftp usually pass comment on the windows. for its use are the steps. we go to the Start menu->> Run, continue typing the "command", then you specify the folder where the files you want to upload or where we put the files that we want to download.
After entering into a folder on your intent then typing "ftp", for example ftp otopas.net and then that will connect to the server we're just like the others we also have to enter our ftp user and password. After you enter it you will go to the home our menu. Then your ftp can see the contents of the home is with the ls command then you will see details of files and folders that we have. if you want to go into another folder. regular-usually the same crate that is by entering the command as cd an example is cd public_html. after you go to the folder we want to go then we can just upload or download. to the commands if you do not already know then you live input only a "?" as an example ftp>? it will appear lish-lish the commands that can be used here. to upload their own files using PUT command as an example ftp> put otopas.jpg it will immediately file uploads from your computer to the server. or you can also download files that exist on the server to our computer by using the get command as an example ftp> get deden.jpg and then the file will be copied from the server to our computer. when you have finished with all the process then you can close or exit the ftp service using the command bye.

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